Prof. Jeremy Chapman

 Clinical Director, Division of Medicine and Cancer
Westmead Hospital
prof jeremy full

Honoured “for eminent service to medicine, particularly in the areas of clinical and biomedical research, to the development of ethical policy and practices for organ donation, acquisition and transplantation, and to renal medicine organisations and publications, Jeremy Chapman AC has played significant roles in development of kidney, pancreas and unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation in Australia. He has been responsible for global development of ethical transplantation through The Transplantation Society, the World Marrow Donor Association and through advisory roles to the World Health Organisation. He is identified as one of the most influential global leaders in the field of clinical transplantation. 


Professor Chapman is a distinguished nephrologist and academic leader. He has held significant roles including Past Director of Medicine at Westmead Hospital, Chairman of the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, Past President of The Transplantation Society, and Deputy Chair of the WSLHD Board. He is an advisor to the WHO and has led the WMDA and the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group. As Editor-in-Chief of Transplantation and Transplantation Direct (2015-2020), he has published over 430 works with an H Index of 79. He is a Clinical Professor at the University of Sydney and a Fellow of multiple prestigious medical and academic bodies. 

Areas of Interest
  • Major interests include renal disease and transplantation.
  • Extensive preclinical and clinical research experience.
  • Research areas encompass:
    • Kidney transplantation
    • Pancreas transplantation
    • Bone marrow transplantation
    • Islet transplantation
Contact Details

+61 419 751656
+61 419 751656

Awareness Lecture: Type-1 Diabetes & Pancreas/Islet Cell Transplantation

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