hospital on wheels

Hospital on Wheels will provide healthcare disparities in remote regions of Pakistan where access to medical services is limited or nonexistent. This mobile hospital brings healthcare services directly to the doorsteps of underserved communities, providing them with essential medical assistance. Those required advanced level care will be referred to TDC Hospitals or nearest tertiary care Hospitals.

Upcoming Initiatives

Expand Coverage:
Expand the reach of our mobilemedical units to remote and marginalized areas, bringing essential healthcare services closer to those in need.

Advanced Equipment:
Through your generous donations, wewill be able to upgrade the medical equipment on our mobile units. This ensures that our medical staff can provide even more comprehensive care, including diagnostics and vaccinations.

Health Education Workshops:
In the coming months, we will be launching health education workshops and awareness campaigns in the communities we serve. These initiatives will empower individuals with knowledge and promote healthier lifestyles

Our Service

HOW is equipped with doctors and nurses who provide medical care, administer medications, and conduct important tests for the people in these communities. While the primary focus is on diabetes, TDC also aims to educate the local population on maintaining overall health and well-being. By offering medical services and health education, TDC aims to empower these communities to take control of their health and make informed decisions. The project serves as a beacon of hope for those who lack access to regular healthcare facilities, ensuring that they receive the necessary medical attention and knowledge to lead healthier lives. Overall, the Hospital on Wheels project is a noble initiative that brings healthcare services and education to underserved areas, ultimately bridging the healthcare gap and improving the well-being of the local population.

TDC Hospital on Wheels (HOW) vehicle construction
Your continued support is essential to our mission. Donations, whether big or small, go a long way in sustaining and expanding our operations. 
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