Faaiz Butt – Blue Lillies Multidisciplinary Type-1 Diabetes Clinic

$75,425 of $100,000 raised

Support us by sponsoring construction & equipment of Type 1 Diabetes Clinic in Sahiwal Hospital. Please donate your Zakat, Sadaqat and Zakat-ul-Fitre for treatment of deserving children with Type-1 Diabetes in Pakistan. We have well established Blue Lilies Multidisciplinary Type-1 Diabetes Clinic in main hospital at Murree Expressway Islamabad. This will be the second Multidisciplinary  Type 1 Diabetes clinic in Sahiwal & soon we will have more clinics in Lahore, Karachi & Kashmir. At the moment we are treating the Type-1 Diabetes children in Lahore & Sahiwal in our existing Diabetes Centres.

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Donation Total: $71.00 One Time